Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Summer Sandwich

My daughter is home for the summer. Yeah!!!

Well, not too long ago, she became a vegetarian and she's been cooking up a storm these days. It turns out, she's very creative in the kitchen. She made this sandwich a few weeks ago and I've been begging her to make it again. It's just the best!!

A Summer Sandwich

Serves 4

You're favorite artisan bread
2 fresh tomatoes, sliced
1-2 avocados, sliced
colossal green olives, sliced (she gets them from a salad bar)
olive oil

Slice the bread into thick slices. Lightly oil one side and grill until golden. Begin layering the rest of the ingredients onto the toasted side of the bread... spinach, avocado, tomato slices and olives.

She serves this sandwich with grilled corn on the cob and watermelon... Yum!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Found your blog while browsing for healthy snacking blogs. This sandwich looks delicious! I'm not a vegetarian but I am trying to eat healthier! I especially like my sandwiches with some chips. I've recently discovered cassava chips, which are gluten-free and way less fat than regular potato chips. And they're much tastier in my opinion. I think they'd go perfect with this veggie sandwich.

Love the blog by the way!